12/05/2015 - We have uploaded all new applications and decisions since 01/04/2015 that have appeared in the ePic website. The weekly numbers of new applications has returned to the pre-changeover level (250-300 per week), but the numbers of decisions is running at a much lower level (70-100 per week). We expect this number to increase as the new council planning departments sort out their teething problems.
29/04/2015 - All data for Applications up to 17/04/2015 has now been added to our database. Data for last week will be uploaded in next 2 days. We are working on the Decisions since 30/03/2015, though there are relatively few of these so far (only 72).
28/04 2015 - Using new data, we have analysed the changes to codings for reference numbers and the new Council Districts and adapted our own database to accommodate these changes. Today we successfully updated the website with 477 new applications for period from 30/03/2015 up to 18/04/2015. Our IT consultant is working on the remaining missing data and we are hopeful it will be available on Planning Online within a few days.
21/04/2015 - Application data received for week to 17/04/2015, along with a small amount of decision data. It appears that the ePic transition to the new council system is still underway, and we have asked our IT consultant to make some alterations to our program to enable the new data to be uploaded, pending confirmation of the new codings.
14/04/2015 - We received data on new applications for 2 weeks to 10/04/2015 received. We are unable to upload this onto the POL database as there is confusion over the codings for the new council districts and we have requested clarification. No decision data was received.
07/04/2015 - no data available from DoE owing to changeover to new District Councils and changes to ePic computer system.